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Importance Notice
普通預金規定 | General business conditions Ordinary Account [pdf, 242 KB]
当座勘定規定 | General business conditions Current Account [pdf, 308 KB]
顧客本位の業務運営に関する方針 ┃Local Policy on Fiduciary Duties of Tokyo Branch [pdf, 951 KB]
電子決済等代行業者との連携及び協働に係る方針 (2018.02.22)| Local Policy on collaboration / co-working with PISPs and/or AISPs through open API (2018.02.22) [pdf, 54 KB]
プライバシーポリシー·個人情報の取扱について | Privacy Policy [pdf, 443 KB]
個人情報の利用目的 | Purposes of use of personal information [pdf, 145 KB]
不渡情報の共同利用にあたっての公表文 | Public Statement for Joint Use of Information on Dishonored Bills and Checks [pdf, 136 KB]
コメルツ銀行の名を騙った投資勧誘や詐欺行為等にご注意ください | Caution on investment solicitation or fraud by a person who claims to be Commerzbank [pdf, 191 KB]
本人確認方法の概要 | Outline of methods of customer's ID verification (japanese) [pdf, 170 KB]
金融商品勧誘方針 | Solicitation Policy [pdf, 131 KB]
反社会的勢力への対応に係る基本方針 | Basic Policies for the Handling of Anti-Social Forces [pdf, 95 KB]
利益相反管理方針の概要 | Outlines of Policy for Conflict of Interest Management [pdf, 157 KB]
金融商品取引法に基づく投資家区分の移行の取扱いに係る「期限日」について | Establishment of a „Cutoff Date“ with regard to Investors' Status Change required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act [pdf, 105 KB]
金融商品取引法及び金融商品販売法に関する重要なお知らせ | Important Notice on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Financial Instruments Sales Act [pdf, 101 KB]
預金保険について (コメルツ銀行東京支店は、日本の預金保険の対象外です) - ドイツ銀行法による「預金者インフォメーションシート」の公表について | Depositor Information Sheet [pdf, 151 KB]
お客様からの苦情やご意見ご相談等につきまして | Guidelines on your claims, complaints etc [pdf, 98 KB]
「外国為替及び外国貿易法」に基づく支払等規制に関するお願い | Requests regarding payment regulations based on the „Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act“ [pdf, 455 KB]